present, I’m still here.
My wife, Peg, and I spent the last 10 of our 59 yrs together here at VAD, 166
We had a full life, married in Sep 1960, three kids, four grand kids.
Born Nov 2, 1935 in Elizabeth, NJ, I attended Catholic grade schools, graduated
Thomas Jefferson HS in 1953,
College of Engineering as a Mechanical Engineer in 1958, and my Masters in
Management in 1964 after 3 yrs in the US Air Force.
Over the years, we lived in many places: Larson AF base in Washington state,
Newark NJ, Glen Ridge NJ, Lancaster PA,
Buckingham PA, then 2 yrs in Koblenz Germany, before moving into VAD.
Retiring in 1999 from Stabilus, we tired of our travels and in 2005 I took a
part time job as a
driver for Thompson Lexus that lasted 13 yrs.
Now, I’m still in good health, and enjoying life here at VAD.
I’m the one you see riding around on the silver electric bike.
It keeps me young. Over 11,000 miles since Jul 8 2018. Ed