Tuesday Donut Morning



Thursday evening Wine Circle




Wednesday evening,

The Ladies Circle was entertained by a professional

Cellist and financial planner,Peter Lockman.

It was a wonderful evening filled with beautiful music.

Click for Video



OUR Carmen having fun and passing out wine to everyone at the Ladies Wine Club


Aerial pictures taken by Kathy Lawler from a Glider plane.

Please note the aerial view of the Village of Dorchester!

Way to Go, Kathy!!!



Denny made me a wonderful Arts and Crafts table!

Click Here


Did you see this?

Go South on Keystone Road and about 1/2 mi on your right side,

 just before you get to Schoolhouse Lane,

is a marvelous wood sculpture! 

Kudos to the Sculptor.


We Won!!!


Sues new Spa



French Doors

I had these French doors put in to alleviate the problems I have with cold & hot weather invading my living room and I love the way its looks.  They solve all problems. 
I can still see the sun room and the light it adds to my house. 
When I want to use the sun room, I can just leave them open.