Organized Activities
Village at Dorchester
Join Us for Low Impact
Chair Aerobics Exercise Program
Building Balance and Muscle Tone
Every Monday and Thursday
Beginning on Monday, October 21
10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Location: Clubhouse
For more information: Contact Marilyn Adamson
Note: For Village of Dorchester residents only.
Pool: Every Monday at 2pm, chairman: Diane
Nadolny 215-534-0517
MAH-JONGG club afternoon Wednesday at 2:00
Contact Marian Eurich 215-453-1778
Village Book Club
first Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.
Marian Eurich
CARING NEIGHBORS • Transportation to medical appointments • Grocery Shopping • Provide meals to an individual during their healing process • Visiting and phoning • Assisting the caretaker, allowing them to have a break so they are able to run errands, take care of their personal medical appointments, or just allow them a mental health break for a few hours. • Support meetings to learn how to cope and solve problems, and learn how to live a healthy lifestyle. • The “buddy system” - Each day call or text your neighbor that lives alone. Just to be sure they are okay. If they fall no one will know. You could save their life. • We can all be a good neighbor by just moving a neighbor’s trash can to their garage door. That way, if they get home after dark, they don’t have to walk out to the street. There is a chance each of us will face a situation that will require assistance after an injury, operation, or a medical condition, etc. When you, or a neighbor, could benefit from this program, please contact either Marilyn Adamson or Marge Leckey. Caring Neighbors will contact the individual, determine their needs and the type of support we can provide. Our community can only become stronger with your support. Volunteers will take turns providing meals, assistance, and transporting neighbors to their medical appointments. Please consider joining our Caring Neighbors by becoming a volunteer. Contact: Marilyn Adamson or Marge Leckey |